On 1/24/13 8:13 AM, John Nelson wrote:
I hesitate to ask this question on here since it's perhaps more one for
position-nuts rather than time-nuts. My excuse is that it involves a
Thunderbolt ;-)

I've been a happy user of a Thunderbolt for a while as an accurate time and
frequency source but until recently I hadn't got round to mounting it in a
proper enclosure with its PSU and finding a permanent home for the result in
the office. Having done so I asked Lady Heather to carry out a 48h
'precision survey' and got a result which although close to that done when I
first acquired the unit was about 10m different. I then carried out two
further surveys which gave similar disparate results.

Can a thunderbolt and LH report observables in RINEX format? If so, you can submit it to the GDGPS site at JPL and get very accurate post processed positions.


The following observation types are defined in RINEX Version 2.10: | L1, L2: Phase measurements on L1 and L2
C1    : Pseudorange using C/A-Code on L1
P1, P2: Pseudorange using P-Code on L1,L2
D1, D2: Doppler frequency on L1 and L2
T1, T2: Transit Integrated Doppler on 150 (T1) and 400 MHz (T2)
S1, S2: Raw signal strengths or SNR values as given by the receiver for the L1,L2 phase observations

you might also be able to use GIPSY software yourself..

and ingest the precise stuff from the global differential gps system..

for post processed clock data and precise ephemerides for the satellites ( if you want the ultimate in timing info, albeit post processed).. You'd record your time stamps/time intervals from your 1pps, etc. and then later adjust them.

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