One more thought: Many oscillators have internal regulators that are not
nearly as good as what you can build.  No sense using an external supply
with 5 nV per root Hz noise density if it will be re-regulated inside
the oscillator by a circuit that has a noise density of 250 nV per root Hz.

Best regards,


Good point.

Just to clarify my original request, my colleagues are currently using
batteries, and they don't have internal regulators.  Their problem is
not that the batteries don't work, but they want to travel around and
give demos and the batteries obviously are a PITA.

BTW, one of papers cited had a reference to Fred Walls paper on
battery noise.  Fred knocks it out the park as usual.  He was
like a rock star at FCS in those days.  A rare example of
government productivity.

Rick Karlquist N6RK
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