
The -Z3811 is indeed a part out of a HP GPSDO. HP is a big enough customer that 
the part they get *may* have little relation to the standard part.

If they all started out at the same temperature, then the noisy ones finish 
warmup quicker than the quiet ones. Take a look at when the final "glitch" 
happens in the warmup process. It's definitely happening earlier on the noisy 
parts. If warmup finishes quicker - the part is running at a lower temperature. 
That of course is only the time between the cutback from full current to the 
glitch. It may not mean it's running cooler.


On Feb 18, 2013, at 5:32 PM, Ed Palmer <ed_pal...@sasktel.net> wrote:

> Hi Bob,
> On 2/18/2013 2:42 PM, Bob Camp wrote:
>> Hi
>> Like any control loop, gain, bandwidth and noise are all related. In a DOCXO 
>> you have two control loops and they do interact. That said, there's nothing 
>> grossly wrong with the four OCXO's. The noisy parts have a bit more gain in 
>> the controller. The quiet parts have a bit less gain. The easy way to see 
>> this is the ringing after the current changes.
> Yes, when I zoom in on the ringing after the first step change, they all show 
> a period of ~9 seconds.  The blue trace (the quiet one) has a nice smooth 
> damped sine wave while the other ones have varying amounts of noise 
> superimposed on the sine wave.  The amplitude of the ringing on the noisy 
> ones is greater than the amplitude of the quiet one.  In one case, more than 
> twice as big.
>> Without ADEV numbers there's no way to know which one is good (or better) 
>> and which one is bad (or worse). The noisy parts may be responding to the 
>> ambient temperature rumble (thus correcting for it) and the quiet ones may 
>> be ignoring it (allowing it to hit the crystal).
> I hadn't thought of that possibility.  Thanks for that!
>> It's also possible that the noisy ones have an electrical issue in the loop 
>> that generates the noise.
> I was thinking of maybe a dead filter capacitor - hence the noise.
>> If all the ovens started from the same temperature, there is a variance in 
>> the oven set points. Some take longer to warm up than others. You don't 
>> mention if they started the same, so that may or may not be significant.
> They all started at the same temperature.  Any apparent difference in warmup 
> time is mostly due to the arbitrary offset of the traces. The offset was just 
> so you could see all four traces clearly. However, isn't it also likely that 
> each oscillator has had it's oven tweaked to match that particular crystal?
>> To further complicate things, in a double oven, you can have a noisy outer 
>> oven that gets suppressed by the inner oven. Are your specific 260's double 
>> ovens? No way to be sure without tearing one open. The second "step" in the 
>> current plot could be an inner oven cutting back.
> I wondered about that second step.  The period of the ringing on the second 
> step is about 1 sec. longer than the ringing on the first step so it's 
> apparently a different circuit.  The 260 series datasheet does NOT say 
> anything about it being a double oven.  They talk about customizing the unit 
> to suit the customer, but that seems a bit extreme.
> By the way, I purchased these oscillators from our favorite auction site.  If 
> anyone's interested, the 260 series includes both AT and SC crystals.  Since 
> these start out ~150 Hz low, they appear to be SC cut.  The output is a 5 MHz 
> sine wave @ ~+7 dBm into 50 ohms. They work fine with a 12V power supply.  
> They have no mechanical frequency adjustment (unless it's under a suspicious 
> spot of solder on the case)  but my 4 were all adjustable to 5 MHz via EFC.  
> They were apparently removed from Z3811 GPS receivers.  They each have a 
> sticker on the side that says "Z3811-80010". There doesn't seem to be much 
> info available on the Z3811.  I have no relationship to the vendor - just a 
> customer.
> So it sounds like the proper thing to do is file this information and carry 
> on.  After making some Allan Deviation measurements, review everything to see 
> how, or if, oven 'noise' correlates to Allan Deviation results.
> Thanks Bob,
> Ed
>> Bob
>> On Feb 18, 2013, at 2:40 PM, Ed Palmer <ed_pal...@sasktel.net> wrote:
>>> I know that when making AC measurements on various OCXOs of the same type, 
>>> you have to expect wide variations in the results. e.g.  TVB's Allan 
>>> Deviation measurements on a selection of 10811A oscillators at  
>>> http://www.leapsecond.com/pages/z3801a-osc .  But what about DC current 
>>> measurements?  How much variability should you expect?
>>> I recently bought 4 MTI 260 oscillators with thoughts of doing some 
>>> 3-cornered hat experiments.  I thought I'd use the best 3 of 4.  One test I 
>>> always do on an OCXO is to measure the DC current drain as it warms up.  
>>> Nothing radical - I have an HP 6622A GPIB-equipped linear power supply.  I 
>>> just do GPIB queries as fast as I can and log the results.  I get about 6 
>>> readings per second.  More than enough for my needs.
>>> This time, I was surprised by the results of this test.  The attached 
>>> picture shows why.  I've offset the traces horizontally and vertically for 
>>> clarity so I deleted the axes.  The horizontal lines are 200 ma apart, but 
>>> the position of each trace is arbitrary.  All four oscillators start at a 
>>> current-limited value of ~1 Amp and have a steady-state current drain of 
>>> ~230 mA.  The length of the graph is ~20 minutes.
>>> Although the family resemblance is obvious, I was surprised by the 
>>> different noise levels.  I let one of the noisy units  run for a day to see 
>>> if it would settle down, but there was no improvement.  Are these results 
>>> reasonable, or do I have one oscillator with a good oven (blue trace), one 
>>> marginal (purple), and two rather poor ones (red and green)?  I'm thinking 
>>> that the noise on the oven could affect the Allan Deviation due to either 
>>> or both of the thermal inconsistencies or varying load on the power supply.
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ed
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