Hi Jim,

There are a few different schools of thought. Here in New England, I use a very simple GPS locked 10 MHz oscillator. It's based on the Jupiter GPS series with 10 kHz out. It drives a Qualcomm 1152 MHz board. This board generates harmonics through 24 GHz.

I don't lock any of my rigs up to 24 GHz. From 47 GHz and up (78, 122, 241 GHz) the rigs are locked mostly using Axtal Axiom 75 series OCXO's and GPS via VE1ALQ reflock boards.

For my rigs up to 24 GHz, I use the Qualcomm board to generate accurate markers. From there, I can adjust my IF to compensate. The simple GPSDO driving the Qualcomm is accurate to about 2 Hz/GHz, so even at 24 GHz, I'm typically within about 50 Hz - well within my narrow CW filter on the IF.

The added benefit of using the GPS is I have it hooked to an ON4IY RoverBox. This gives me grid square, and Sun position based on location/time for aligning my dish (if the sun is out...) Plus the simple GPSDO is locked and running in about 3 minutes or so from a cold start.

I find I don't need "ultimate" accuracy from 24 GHz down. And not messing with the crystals in LO's keeps phase noise down etc...

We've started to add Panadpaters to our IF rigs lately using the FUNCube SDR initially and now the cheaper sticks. These let us see 96 kHz or better at once, so finding the signal can be pretty easy.

Remember, locking is great if both ends are locked. If not, you're back to tuning around to find the signal (that's where the panadapter is great!)

KT1J and I did our first 2 km 122 GHz contact a while back. We were both locked and had rifle scopes calibrated for aiming. It was amazing to point our dishes and start sending and instantly hear the other station with no tuning!

Mike, N1JEZ
"A closed mouth gathers no feet"

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Lux" <jim...@earthlink.net> To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" <time-nuts@febo.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2013 10:23 AM
Subject: [time-nuts] frequency reference for portable operation

Asking here on behalf of a friend..

With respect to portable amateur microwave operation.. you want good close in phase noise (so you can use narrow band filters) AND good frequency accuracy (so you can find the signal)>

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