Dan (I think) writes:

> Because, up until today, windows time did what I needed it to do. It may
> still, if the fault turns out to be network related.
> In reality, it's more software to learn to administer, and setup and run
> on bunch of PC's. As a time nut, I know exactly how much time I need for
> all of my other hobbies, since there's never enough of it...  :)

I've been using the standard NTP client in Windows XP for ages, and it
works just fine. I tried third-party stuff. It was just more work for
no apparent gain. The XP desktop is synchronized with my NTP server
perfectly within the limits of my perception, so there is no reason to
go further. Microsecond accuracy is not necessary because I have no
way of testing accuracy with that resolution, nor do I have any
application that requires it. I'm mainly concerned with long-term
accuracy, not short-term accuracy, so it's more important to be
correct within 1/100 second over a period of years than to be correct
within 1 microsecond over a day.


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