(Note: additional information about the receiver module has been added.)



You will remember several months ago I had some stranges that I thought were related to a defective Vectron oscillator in one of my DATUM 9390-52054. That turned out to be a the internal switching power supply so I replaced it with an external Cisco unit. I've done this in three units, two are mine and one belongs to Stu, K6YAZ.

Well, I now have a different grief in one of my units. It had been cooking along swell with no problem ever since I replaced the power supply. This morning I notice that one of my units had the lock and tracking lights out. The display said that the signal level was low and there were no usable satellites. The 10 MHz output is also about 20 or more dB low. I assumed the power supply is all right because the display was working and it said it was 9-E9, not so good, but working - sorta. I swapped antennas and the good Datum was happy so I know the antenna is ok. when I got inside I checked the power supply rails and they're within .05 Volts of where they should be. There is 5 Volts on the GPS module and there is 4.96 Volts on the antenna Type-N connector (measured with the antenna line disconnected.) Power cycling the DATUM did not resolve the problem.

Does anyone know if the symptoms above will occur if the 10 MHz oscillator is defective? I can understand it not tracking or not locked, but could this cause the receiver to not see or indicate any satellites? Since I only have two of these units on line, I'm very reluctant to start swapping modules because I would be without any working reference, so I need to keep one up and running. Both of my units are on a UPS, and according to the clocks in the kitchen, the bedroom, and the old VCR, we've not had a power interruption.

I do not recognize the GPS receiver module, but it has the following number on it: TNL 22880-B. I have the schematics for the overall DATUM 9390-25054, but the GPS module in just a block. By the way, the GPS block on the DATUM overall schematic is marked, "SV6 / (TANS)". I suspect this means something noteworthy.

Any guidance would be appreciated.



Burt I. Weiner Associates
Broadcast Technical Services
Glendale, California  U.S.A.
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