On 4/15/13 1:48 PM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
On 04/15/13 04:39 AM, Jim Lux wrote:
Inexpensive USB spectrum analyzer.. http://www.signalhound.com/

It's not that inexpensive. I assembled a 22 GHz spectrum analyzer based
on the HP 70000 modular measurement system for about the same money.

New vs used.

22 Ghz tracking generator module is very expensive, but I don't have
that. Since I have a 20 GHz VNA, owning a tracking generator on a
spectrum analyzer is not that important. The 2.9 GHz tracking generator
for the HP 70000 series is not that expensive.

The used HP or similar kit has done most of its depreciating.

Of course, I can see advantages in small, compact units with a warranty,
but I'd certainly want to consider buying used professional equipment.

I was thinking about it for use at work, where calibration and repair is an issue. We've got plenty of old HP gear at JPL, and while it works great, it's also often got clunky interfaces for computer control, it's difficult to get repaired, etc. (HP 8663Bs for instance..) and sometimes, it's just plain obsolete.

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