In a world of digital comms with very capable competition, AOR has been looking 
for a reason to exist. They have turned to high end gear. For some time now, 
their radios were DDS and capable of running from an external 10MHz. I suspect 
they are used in a rack of gear to direction find. The black box SDR version is 
the next obvious step since nobody was actually playing with the knobs anyway.

I would be surprised if there were vans with 3 or 4 of these black box radios 
as part of a "stingray" or "silent ping" set up using correlation techniques to 
RDF cellular users. It has enough bandwidth to cover all known cellular 
providers. It could probably RDF wifi.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Lux <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 04:33:26 
To: <>
Reply-To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Radio with GPSDO

On 4/23/13 6:54 PM, wrote:
> Just a FYI.


I see they use the OEM GPS from Garmin.  I wonder what kind of DO 
performance they get, and whether they actually discipline the 
oscillator or just measure it.  Since they've got a DDS, they could use 
a quiet fixed OCXO, undisciplined, and just adjust the DDS control word.

Fascinating, also, that they provide a raw I/Q sample output.  Clearly, 
that's the way of the future, and it makes sense.

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