Subject: Distribution amps for Thub=nderbolt and David
partridges divider box?

 09/05/2013 11:58

If I get a Extron ADA 3-80 distribution amp, will it be able to run on
both the 10MHz T/Bolt output, AND on the outputs of one of David
Partridge's nice divider boxes I have. It It divides from the 10 MHz
input. There are separate outputs for 10 MHz, 5 MHz, 1 MHz, and one
that can be configured for 100 kHz / 10 kHz / 1 kHz / 100 Hz / 10 Hz /
1 Hz.

If not, is there anything available?


      Best Regards,
                  Chris Wilson.

Chris, if I understand your question correctly, the answer is "Yes". The ADA-3-80 has four separate channels (R, G, B, Sync), and multiple outputs for each channel. So, you can input up to four separate frequencies and get up to four outputs for each channel. Quite a versatile little box.

Dave M

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