There is now one left for $129, gee free shipping. Do yourself a favor
and get a $35 RaspberryPi and a $12 5-port net switch.

Jim Sanford
> Do you have any documentation on how to use them?  I have one that I
> bought to be an internet access point with a verizon card, failed due to
> verizon not complying with the RFCs.  Love the device, but no
> information on ports, etc.  Might want to play with it, or could make it
> available.
> Thanks & 73,
> Jim
> On 5/19/2013 10:45 AM, Jason Rabel wrote:
>> Just a heads up, there are some (8+ @ last count) used Soekris
>> Net4501's for $29 on eBay (Search for: Soekris)... I submitted a bid
>> for $20 each and it was instantly accepted... Don't know how low you
>> can go, from the description the guy wants to get rid of them
>> or they are going in the trash. Seems like a good deal if you are
>> looking to make a little NTP server, especially compared to the
>> retail price for a net4501... ;)
>> I'm not affiliated with the seller in any way, I just love those
>> little net4501's...  I already have 5 of them, I don't know why I
>> just bought 5 more... lol... Now I need more GPS modules!
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Ghost in the Shell

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