On 5/25/13 2:10 PM, Paul wrote:
*Jim Lux*
S*at May 25 16:53:50 EDT 2013*
* 3) the "Pi" is almost PC-like and very easy to use.  Costs about $40***>and 
requires a HDMI or DVI monitor..

A $9 USB to 3.3V serial adapter connects to
the serial console unless you prefer ssh or VNC.

Once you have it up and running, sure.. heck, you could use Ethernet and telnet or ssh or and presumably set it up so it will boot off the network. But you need that way to get it configured.

Or maybe, someone has a SD image that you can just dump onto an SD, stick it in, it recognizes, boots and you're happy, and never hook up a monitor.

A bit of googling did find such a thing, using Raspian Wheezy on a SD that has ethernet built into it, so it goes out and hits your dhcp daemon and then you can ssh to it

this *is* a bit more of a pain than "install IDE from install set, connect USB cable, start programming"

but it does give you access to a more sophisticated platform. Albeit, I'm not as sure it's as "low level hardware control" oriented, but it would probably be ok.

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