I think I have a acquaintance in USA that can maybe help but the shipping is going to kill me to death..

More so than buying a bunch of never-ending projects?

One question -- it seemed that you had gotten to a place where the (one of the?) 9390(s) seemed to be more or less working, but the Rb did not seem to be very well disciplined, at least at short to medium tau. I know absolutely nothing about 9390s of any vintage, but it occurred to me to ask whether you're sure the GPS is used to discipline the Rb in a 9390. Most of the telcom GPS/Rb units I've seen are GPS-disciplined OCXOs with an auxiliary RB that is NOT disciplined, but rather free-running, and used only for extended holdover periods. Some of them correct for Rb frequency error to a first approximation -- for example, I believe the Symmetricom units with BesTime (e.g., TS-2500) monitor the Rb frequency as compared to the GPSDO during lock, then correct the output frequency during holdover (when the Rb is in use) by adjusting a DDS according to an estimate of the Rb frequency error -- all without actually disciplining the Rb.

Just a thought. But, as I said, I have no knowledge of the 9390 so this is rank speculation.

Best regards,


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