
On Jun 19, 2013, at 1:47 AM, Burt I. Weiner <b...@att.net> wrote:

> One thing to keep in mind about modulating with a square wave is that you can 
> generate wide spread sidebands, so I'd give some thought to rounding it off a 
> bit.  But then the chips were talking about, and some are Schmitt Triggers, 
> will change pretty fast and steep.  I suspect in the remodulator it's not 
> much of a problem, if at all.

The modulation is at a 1Hz sort of rate, sidebands aren't going to be quite the 
issue they might be. If you increase the cost of the device 100X you could 
indeed solve the problem. 

> With regards to periods of Diurnal shift, it can get pretty wild in amplitude 
> variations, and phase can flip all over due to reflections as the big mirror 
> in the sky changes.  Diurnal shift starts to get bad about two hours before 
> local sunset and again, not so bad before sunrise, and again for a while 
> after sunrise.  Supposedly WWVB reception is supposed to be best when it's 
> all daylight between the WWVB transmitter and the receiver.  I've always 
> found the WWVB signal to be more stable at night.

Since the receiver works best when the daily shift is missing, there's no need 
to duplicate it with the remodulator.

> Someone mentioned that the receiver will not track if the remodulator is as 
> little as 1 Hz (cycle) of frequency.  My 8170 has a crystal filter in the 
> preamp, so I would imagine it would be extremely selective.  I think most, if 
> not all, of the WWVB clocks have crystal filters.  The other day when I 
> ordered my crystals I had a choice of  60 kHz, 60.002 kHz, 60.005 kHz and 
> 60.000 kHz.  The 60.002 and 60.005 were only available in Hugh quantity 
> purchases.  The 60.000 kHz was a little more expensive but I bought 10 of the 
> little buggers anyway.  I'll see how close they are when I build the 
> remodulator.  Right now I've got some revenue generating work on the bench 
> that I need to get out of the way before getting back into the fun stuff, but 
> it shouldn't be too long.

At 60 KHz, one ppm is 0.06 Hz. You are ~ 18 ppm off at 1 Hz. That's probably 
further than the VCXO in the Spectracom can track. The front end filter is 
likely > 10 Hz wide. 


> Burt, K6OQK
>> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] WWVB remodulator for the Spectracom 8170...
>> Interesting the HC will work all the way down to 2.2V so everything can be
>> run from 3 Volts.
>> No idea as to the effect of the xtal oscillator maybe the 3.9 M R needs to
>> be changed.
>> It also appears that the HC chip may doing the lions share of current
>> consumption. Spec sheet says up to 20 Ma. Hard to believe actually.
>> As for driving lengths of wire over distance it needs to be a buffer chip.
>> 74hc244. But that seems like serious overkill it can drive 20 ma per port.
>> Maybe a cd 4049...
>> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 6:41 AM, Bob Camp <li...@rtty.us> wrote:
>> > Hi
>> >
>> > I don't know of any phase tracking receiver that would be bothered by the
>> > modulator in Paul's schematic. You could implement it a couple of ways, but
>> > the net result would be the same.  The AM is a bit more square wave than
>> > the WWVB signal. Modulation depth and timing would / could be dead on.
>> >
>> snipped...
>> > >
>> > >       That is standard for most Costas loops with an I arm... haven't
>> > > looked at his schematics carefully yet... possibly one might need some
>> > > kind of AGC to use it as input to  a second double balanced mixer
>> > > serving as modulator in order to get the right 14 (?) db AM as signal
>> > > fades slowly.   Not sure how deep the diurnal fades are...
> Burt I. Weiner Associates
> Broadcast Technical Services
> Glendale, California  U.S.A.
> b...@att.net
> www.biwa.cc
> K6OQK 
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