And I thought the synchronometer is the fancy 1000 Hz motor clock I have
made by General Radio! Who'da thought . . . I gotta meditate on this. my
head hurts.

Stewart Cobb
> <>
> "The 13 Moon / 28-day calendar (synchronometer) is the key that allows
> us
> access to the vast realm of the synchronic order ... This is a Galactic
> timing program that also serves as a master synchronization matrix that
> any
> other calendar or numerical system can be plugged into."
> Hmm. What are the pinouts on those plugs? Do they use leap seconds to
> synchronize galaxies, or do they have a more elegant method?
> When you think about it, though, many of us are doing our best to
> synchronize the vibrations of carefully prepared quartz crystals to
> beams
> of pure light attuned to the energy levels of specially selected atoms
> flung from the hearts of dying stars. That's like, cosmic, man.
> So maybe those 13-moon guys would fit right in, after all.
> Cheers!
> --Stu
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Ghost in the Shell

Dr. Don Latham AJ7LL
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