
On Jul 3, 2013, at 3:51 PM, jmfra...@cox.net wrote:

> http://www.navipedia.net/index.php/WAAS_Signal_Structure
> Doppler Shift: The Doppler shift, as perceived by a stationary user, on the 
> signal broadcast by WAAS GEOs is less than 40 meters per second (≈210 Hz at 
> L1)

So unless you can measure and correct for the doppler, you are at a few hundred 
Hz at 1.5 GHz. 150 Hz would be 0.1 ppm. That's not very accurate. 

> in the worst case (at the end of life of the GEOs). The Doppler shift is due 
> to the relative motion of the GEO. 
> Carrier Frequency Stability: The short term stability of the carrier 
> frequency (square root of the Allan Variance) at the input of the user´s 
> receiver antenna will be better than 5x10-11 over 1 to 10 seconds, excluding 
> the effects of the ionosphere and Doppler. 
> Polarization: The broadcast signal is right-handed circularly polarized. The 
> ellipticity will be no worse than 2 dB for the angular range of ±9.1o from 
> boresight. 
> Code/Carrier Frequency Coherence: The lack of coherence between the broadcast 
> carrier phase and the code phase shall be limited. The short term (<10sec) 
> fractional frequency difference between the code phase rate and the carrier 
> frequency shall be less than 5x10-11 (one sigma). Over the long term (<100 
> sec), the difference between the change in the broadcast code phase (convert 
> to carrier cycles) and the change in the broadcast carrier phase shall be 
> within one carrier cycle (one sigma). 

Once you are past 100 seconds, there's essentially no spec. One cycle per 100 
sec is a lot, even at 1.5 GHz

> Correlation Loss: Correlation loss is defined as the ratio of output powers 
> from a perfect correlator for two cases: 1) the actual receiver WAAS signal 
> correlated against a perfect unfiltered PN reference, or 2) a perfect 
> unfiltered PN signal normalized to the same total power as the WAAS signal in 
> case 1. The correlation loss resulting from modulation imperfections and 
> filtering inside the WAAS satellite payload is less than 1 dB. 

If you are only after the carrier, the code stuff pretty much does not matter.


> John WA4WDL
> ---- Bob Camp <li...@rtty.us> wrote: 
>> Hi
>> The pipe in this case is up on one frequency and down on another. The 
>> conversion oscillator on satellite that's the weak link, no matter how good 
>> the signal from the ground happens to be. 
>> Bob
>> On Jul 3, 2013, at 1:48 PM, Attila Kinali <att...@kinali.ch> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 3 Jul 2013 08:29:02 -0400
>>> Bob Camp <li...@rtty.us> wrote:
>>>> There are two batches of GPS / WAAS sats up there:
>>>> 1) The ones with numbers above 100 that are geosync and that only do WAAS
>>>> 2) The ones with numbers <= 32 that do nav. These are not geosync. 
>>>> I believe the only ones with corrected / high stab clocks on board are
>>>> those in the second group. The stuff in the first group aren't dedicated
>>>> sats, just leased transponders on conventional multipurpose geosync birds. 
>>> I don't know about WAAS, but AFAIK the EGNOS signals are generated on
>>> ground using Cs references and retransmitted by the satelites using
>>> a "bend pipe". Ie. the signals should be of time-nut quality even without
>>> high accuracy frequency standards in the birds themselves.
>>> (Sorry, i'm not able to find where i read about that, so no references 
>>> today)
>>>                     Attila Kinali
>>> -- 
>>> The people on 4chan are like brilliant psychologists
>>> who also happen to be insane and gross.
>>>             -- unknown
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