
I have my new Nortel unit powered up. I have been unsuccessful at getting it to communicate with Lady Heather.

I have tried both 19K2, 7, O 1 and 9K6, 8, N, 1 on the serial port to no avail. I tried the command line switch to wake up Nortel units wit both sets of serial parameters, to no avail.

The instance of Lady Heather which goes out to KE5FX site works, so I presume I have a correct installation of Lady Heather.

The Nortel appears to go through normal power up display on power up. Then it lights the yellow "no communication" LED. Once I hooked up an antenna, within a few minutes, the green LOCK LED came on. It appears that the Nortel is working.

Is there something I'm missing about making these two play nicely together??

Thanks & 73,

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