I have a few of those $5 AD9850 DDS modules from China. I'm going to use
one to replace a crystal in a transmitter. I attached it to a TI MSP430
Launchpad and programmed a fixed frequency.

Just out of curiosity, I wanted to see how stable this thing is. Using
cellophane tape, I put a few pieces of foam around the oscillator can. Then
I hooked it up to my HP counter, which is locked to my GPSDO.

I'm not logging, but I have kept an eye on the setup for well over 24 hours
now. So far, the frequency has held to within 0.01-0.08 of the programmed

The house thermostat is set at 75 F, but this room gets somewhat warmer due
to the equipment in it. Also, this room gets the morning sun.

Considering the cost, I am impressed with how well this little module works
and how stable it is. There is an Amateur in town who has been using
several of these modules to drive WSPR and QRSS transmitters. He has done
up a poor man's oven to keep his transmitters on frequency.

Joe Gray
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