This question might be more appropriate for the NTP list at

Assuming you are using GPS 18 NMEA output and NMEA driver 20, set the statsdir either using the startup command line option -s or the conf command statsdir, as shown below, and enable clockstats: appends the $GPRMC message every poll interval e.g. minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 => 16s ~ 5400 lines/day.

For example:
ntpd ... -s c:/etc/ntp/stats -c c:/etc/ntp.conf ...
OR in c:/etc/ntp.conf
statsdir "c:/etc/ntp/stats"
enable stats
statistics clockstats loopstats peerstats

# ref-clock drivers
server 127.127.20.n prefer minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 ...

On 2013-09-03 18:42, Jim Lux wrote:
On 9/3/13 5:35 PM, Jim Lux wrote:
I'm looking for an easy way to get current lat lon, when you've got a
GPS-18 hooked up for NTP.  That is, the GPS receiver is there doing it's
NTP thing, so presumably it knows where it is.

If NTP is decoding the GPRMC message, it has the lat/lon in it, so how
can I get that info out (in a command line utility, into a file, or some

I don't need millisecond time accuracy.. For now the GPS is just to make
sure that the time is "right".

The GPGGA sentence would also do.

And, I only need the GPS position once within a 30 second interval (it's
not moving, I just want to know where it is).

It's not like ntpd or ntpq have some handy switch that says "display
current lat/lon"  (which makes sense, because NTP is fundamentally time
source agnostic).

All of this with Windows 7.

I suppose one way is to turn off NTP (releasing the com port), grab some data
from the com port, parse it, then turn NTP back on.

But that seems mighty clunky...

I was hoping for some log file/debug feature that says "give me the last
sentence from the GPS".

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