My test for this kind of thing is: "Would it be OK if a frequent
contributor to the list had posted the same information?".  I.e. is the
information of interest to the list?  In this case, I'd say yes and I have
no problem with it being posted here.  If he posted the same information
every week, it would be a different matter.  Then it would be looking
mighty spammy.

This product?  I looked at it and decided it was too expensive for my
taste.  I'll stick with LH.

As for removing anyone from an email list - pointless IMO.  The really
obnoxious ones come right back with a different email address and you end
up playing a game of whack-a-mole.  If you don't want to hear from this
guy, just set up a filter to trash his emails.

On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 12:09 AM, wb6bnq <> wrote:

> Well Robert,
> In his Youtube video he says it is fully assembled, so no code, schematics
> or programmed cpu would be forthcoming is how I would interpret it. Up Shot
> is this is just shameless promotion.
> From my 99% complete "Timenuts list" database of saved messages going back
> to Jan 2006, his first appearance on the list was last year on Oct 3, 2012.
> This is his third message to the list with all three messages being a sales
> pitch for his product. It certainly seems to be a one-way gratuitous
> relationship to say the least.
> I don't mind people talking about, describing and offering their efforts
> to the list. But, I do mind when it seems that is the only purpose of their
> involvement.
> So, I would vote to have him removed from the list.
> Bill....WB6BNQ
> Robert Atkinson wrote:
>  Hi Adam,
>> If you "do not normally monitor this email reflector" or contribute to
>> it, why are you using it it promote your commecial product?
>> Are you going to make the circuit and code (or programmed MCUs) available
>> to list members?
>> Â Robert G8RPI.
>> ______________________________**__
>> From: Adam Maurer <>
>> To: Sent: Thursday, 12 September 2013, 6:56
>> Subject: [time-nuts] ThunderBolt Display - Update
>> Hello all
>> An update:
>> ThunderBolt Display started shipping over a week ago.
>> 31 out the 50 have already been sold.
>> I have made a video on the display, and you can see a working example
>> here:
>> Any new orders for the  “jumbo† sized green and standard sized
>> inverted blue variants will incur a 2 week wait, as these LCDs are only
>> ordered in as-required.
>> I do have a number of standard sized green units available for immediate
>> shipping though on a first-in basis.
>> I am away for 3 weeks in October, so if you want a display sooner than
>> later, you should consider placing an order in the next few days, as it
>> take 2 weeks for the LCDs to arrive.
>> For more information of this device, please refer to:
>> You will find the latest revision of User Guide and Tech Supplement PDFs
>> available as well.
>> PayPal is welcome on the proviso I receive the full amount and you take
>> care of any PayPal fees, if applicable.
>> (This changes from one region to another)
>> One way to avoid fees is to make sure your PayPal account has funds in
>> it, and never draw upon other accounts (especially a credit card).
>> Once these are gone, they are gone, and 130 units will be out there in 12
>> countries (so far).
>> I do not normally monitor this email reflector, so please email me
>> directly, if you want to obtain a ThunderBolt Display.
>> Cheers,
>> Adam, VK4GHZ
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