Actually, another expression of McManus' sequential vortex, best
expressed by the folksong "the bucket's got a hole in it". All these are
corollaries to Murphy's Law of Universal Bustedness.

Magnus Danielson
> On 09/09/2013 11:31 PM, Ed Palmer wrote:
>> It looks like "The Conservation of Bustedness" came from Usenet.
>> But doesn't entropy mean that the amount of Bustedness in the universe
>> keeps increasing?
>> Hell, I might as well quit.  I can't win!
> Well, the trick is having it get the hell out of YOUR house. With enough
> persistence you can lower the bustiness in your lab as it moves to other
> random places. Things will go wrong in your lab every once in a while.
> Turns out that bustiness cloggs together, so you will have to push it
> away for a long time until it cloggs elsewhere and you push it away at
> higher rate than you receive it new. Also remember that Kilroy was here.
> Cheers,
> Magnus
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