Hi Arnold,
I was just about to reply to your first message and ask at what frequency  
you'd measured the sensitivity, but then found your follow up:-)
I was very happy with the first one so bought a second one for my other HP  
counter and both seem to be very similar.
I've just checked the 53132A against two radio tests sets and with both I'm 
 seeing an indicated sensitivity of close to -50dBm at 1000MHz, but both  
generators are at their limit there and neither have been recently calibrated 
at  those frequencies so I'm quite happy to concede a few dBm tolerance:-)
I'm not too concerned about ultimate sensitivity anyway but, as I  
commented previously, with them just being very much plug 'n go there wasn't a  
else left to measure:-)
In a message dated 19/11/2013 22:50:44 GMT Standard Time,  
arnold.ti...@gmx.de writes:

To be  correct,
I was a bit fast with my statement before
and I have to add,  that the sensitivity in
fact is higher at the lower frequencies:

@  50 MHz --> -31 dBm
@ 100 MHz --> -40 dBm
@ 200 MHz --> -50  dBm
@ 250 MHz --> -50 dBm
@ 500 MHz --> -50 dBm
@ 1000 MHz  --> -44 dBm
@ 2000 MHz --> -37 dBm
@ 2500 MHz --> -28  dBm

This is perhaps now more helpful for the experts,

sorry  Nigel and Rick for my previous misleading  info,


Am 19.11.2013 21:19, schrieb  XPMUser:
> Hello Nigel,
> and hello Rick,
> thank  you for the hint to and the remarks concerning
> the 3 GHz extender from  SQ5ESM.
> I ordered one unit and got it within a few days last  week.
> I am very happy with it in my 53132A, looks like the  original
> from HP in detail. Also the manufacturing quality seem  to
> be of high grade, worth the money.
> I checked the  sensitivity using my 8663A up to 2.5 GHz(and
> Trimble Thunderbolt for  the reference frequency). The service
> manual says that the reading  shall be stable up to -27 dBm.
> My unit is stable up to -28 dBm to -29  dBm, -30 dBm is too
> low. So the unit does work very fine and behaves  as decribed
> by HP, does seem to be a realy good work using quality  parts
> as stated by the seller.
> I have no idea why yours is  showing different values. Did you
> check it again?
> I hope the  original design by HP does meet the criteria
> mentioned by Rick  ;-)
> Thanks again for all the very interesting  comments,
> regards,
> Arnold
> Am 09.11.2013 01:03, schrieb Richard Karlquist:
>>  On 2013-11-08 15:49, gandal...@aol.com  wrote:
>>> At 1000 MHz, the highest  frequency I can generate right now, I've 
>>>  measured
>>> the channel 3 input sensitivity as -50dBm with a  sinusoidal  signal.
>>>  Regards
>>> Nigel
>>>  GM8PZR
>> This high sensitivity is  probably a bad thing, not a good thing.
>> It is indicative of a  dynamic divider.  For a frequency counter
>> prescaler, you want  a static divider, such as the HP5386 used.
>> Dynamic dividers make  errors if the signal being measured
>> has a broadband noise floor or  sufficiently high spurs at any
>> frequency.
>>  Rick Karlquist N6RK
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