Hi Pee:

Here's some vocabulary to help you.

The 8040c is a frequency standard, not a GPSDO. That's to say it doesn't have a GPS receiver built in, but instead requires an external 1 PPS input.
It's very similar to the Stanford Research PRS-10 in that respect.

The Thunderbolt is a combined GPS receiver and disciplined oscillator.
It's input is from a GPS antenna.  Outputs are 1PPS and 10 MHz.

The <1E-12 frequency accuracy after 20 minutes is not a specification, but rather a 
"performance parameter".
That may be because it may depend on the quality of the 1 PPS input.
Note the Allan deviation at 1 second is not as good.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

Pee Akka wrote:
I'm currently doing my master's thesis on GPSDO devices. Nothing fancy but
more than enough for a fledgling time-nutter. It seems that which ever
direction I go with my master's, this place always pops up :)

I'm a bit uncertain about how to interpret one of the GPSDO's
specifications. The device in question is a a 8040c Rubidium Frequency
Standard with a SA.22C-LN oscillator (ie. the low noise version). The
specification states that its frequency accuracy (ie frequency offset)
after 20 minutes of 1PPS GPS-disciplining is <1E-12.

Do you think this specification the combined accuracy of the GPS receiver
and 8040c device? In another words, if the 8040c is locked to GPS, is the
whole receiver+8040c system's combined accuracy <1E-12? The GPS receiver
that I have in use is XLi-GPS with +-30ns RMS 1PPS output.

The datasheet for 8040c is here:

The measurements that I've done indicate that at least the frequency
stability (ADEV) of the 8040c is between 9E-13 and 1E-12 from 1s to 1000s.

Thanks in advance.
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