The EOT code that I linked to ( 
 and am using is interesting because it appears to be applicable to other 
planets.  It has parameters like the orbit 
obliquity/eccentricity/perihelion/year length that can be changed.  It also 
does not make assumptions like the time of perihelion is 12 days past a fixed 
value of the winter equinox (i.e. Jan 2).
A clock routine that I wrote for the ATMEGA2561/ATMEGA128 runs off of a 10Khz 
interrupt.  It does a first-order compensation for crystal drift by 
occasionally ignoring or duplicating timer tick processing.  It can produce 
very good long-lerm clock performance.   
I also have had very good results using the DS3231 temperature compensated 
clock chip.  My alarm clock uses a Trimble Res-T GPS backed up by the DS3231...
I've got the Arduino code running that does the EOT                             
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