The NavSpark project on Indiegogo has been mentioned here already, but I just 
wanted to note that (apparently at my request) today they announced the design 
was modified to include a timestamp function on external trigger input.
Oliver Huang / SkyTraq: "For NavSpark time accuracy is ~60nsec due to 16.368MHz 
clock. For -GL, -BD, time accuracy is ~40nsec due to 24.552MHz clock."

I think he means granularity or precision, and not absolute accuracy. The true 
time-nut may not have a use for 40 or 60 nsec precision, but for a 32-bit 
Arduino-compatible with built-in GPS receiver and GPS-referenced timestamp, 
complete system including antenna, shipped, for $19 (GPS only) or $22 (GPS + 
Glonass) I think it is one of the better values I have seen.  It is probably 
the cheapest way to measure long-term drift of an OCXO, and the programmability 
means it might be the easiest building block to use if you want to build your 
own GPSDO.  
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