Just wanted to say that Gmail has been agonizing lately with their
improvements in that sort of stuff.
Hats off to John. He keeps the digital home fires lit.
Norm n3ykf

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 9:30 AM, Chuck Harris <cfhar...@erols.com> wrote:

> Time-nuts isn't yahoo.  It is something that John Ackermann
> put together called febo.com.  Febo is one of John's cats.
> Most probably, the OP's email program is set to not display
> emails which appear to originate from his address...
> -Chuck Harris
> Chris Wilson wrote:
>>  My recent attempts at posting have been all been blocked for some
>>> reason so I am switching email address in the hope that that corrects it.
>>  Here is my last one, hoping that it is not a repeat for you guys.
>>  Hi,
>>>    I have just brought my PRS10 out of mothballs and am trying to
>>> get a good lock to my TBolt 1PPS.
>>>    The 1PPS OUT signal from my PRS10 has a very slow rise time, in
>>> the order of 70ns.  I would be grateful, if anyone here has one on
>>> their bench, to let me know what theirs is. I can't find any
>>> specification in the literature.
>>> Thanks and have a good day.
>>> Mike
>> 28/01/2014 11:37
>> Hi Mike.
>> Both messages (the earlier one from the orange.fr address and this one
>> from the sfr.fr address) are showing. If you read the group using
>> e-mail just CC the messages you post back to yourself and filter into
>> the groups folder. Seems Yahoo changed things (again) recently.
>>  _______________________________________________
> time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
> To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/
> mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
> and follow the instructions there.
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