On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 5:25 AM, Jim Miller <j...@jtmiller.com> wrote:
> I think the hardware delay line approach is the only solution for a simple
> D FF lead/lag phase comparator. It would be placed ahead of the FF.

Simple?  You are going to need a micro controller and software to (1)
tall the GPS to output the sawtooth function, they don't typically
output it untell you tell it to. then (2) recover the sawtooth
function from the serial data.  Then(3) convert it to the "counts"
that units used in the delay line.  Finally (4) you need to interface
the delay line to the processor and send the current sawtooth function
value over that interface once per second.   Also when I do stuff like
this I always want some kind of LCD display or at least blink LEDS so
I know what's going on inside and then it is at least running.

Your simple analog devices no longer a simple analog device.   Do a
full up parts count for both designes.  I think the digital correction
comes in lower.  Both solutions need the same micro controller and
it's support circuitry.

As to which GPSes send sawtooth.  It's a common feature but typically
you need to enable it, the same way you'd enable a self-survey or set
a minimum elevation angle or whatever.

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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