
With a “real” 12  to 13 bit ADC and a 200 ns TDC pulse you would ideally get  < 
200 / 4096 as your LSB. Nothing like this is ever perfect, so you probably 
aren’t going to get <50 ps. You probably will be below 100 ps. That’s plenty 
good enough to make sawtooth correction useful. 

On Mar 7, 2014, at 6:38 PM, Jim Lux <jim...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> On 3/7/14 3:33 PM, Chris Albertson wrote:
>> Let's see what is needed.
>> The ADC is 10-bits so it can read to one part in 1024.  It's a 5 volt
>> full scale so we are only able to measure 5 millivolt increments
> if you use the teensy3 it has a 16 bit ADC with realistically, about 13 bits 
> performance. The teensy3.1 has a 12 bit DAC, but since I haven't got one in 
> my hot little hands yet, I don't know the performance.
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