The single oven HP10811's heater supply is spec 20 to 30V, (=>18V is mostly OK, 19V is better) The Inner oven voltage spec on the Dual Oven 10811s that I have is 12 to 30Volts, (All work good down to ~11V) Internally my dual oven units use a 5V ref in their heater controller instead of a 10V reference. The thermistor bridge is 5V on both)

The outer oven needs ~5V nom to operate at ~115 deg F.
10 Volt max from an outer oven linear controller works good for Lab work.
For best TC, the Dual oven units that I've tested really need an outer oven controller. On a couple of units, the temp TC went from around 1e-10 / deg C without the outer oven to <<1e-12 /degC.

Outer oven Pin outs;
1-GREY thermistor#1 (100K ohm@ 25C)
2-GREY thermistor lead#2
3-RED Heater#1 (~12 Ohm)
4-RED Heater lead#2
5- NC
6- NC


1 - BRN Oscillator Return (Com)
2 - RED Oscillator Power (+12V)
3 - ORG Oven Monitor Return (Com)
4 - YEL Oven Monitor Output
5 - GRN Oven Power (+18-24V)
6 - BLU Oven Return (Com)

Thomas Knox

To: time-nuts at
From: johncroos at
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:17:58 -0400
Subject: [time-nuts] HP 10811 - 60165 Info Request

I have acquired one of these double oven oscillators. Seems like a useful thing. Need info on pin outs, and operating voltages. Also any other useful information or links to same would be appreciated. Please reply off list with any files of specs etc to my email - johncroos at

All help appreciated.

Best regards to all john c roos k6iql


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