Quite a few time nuts have Rb GPSDRb's running using Shera's controller. I  
did mine in 1999 with the help of Brooks and Corby and my first FRK died on 
 Shrea's controller after 24 years of service. Bad lamp.
Have to measure C field sensitivity just like on an OCXO and increasing  
sample time from 30 seconds to 120 helps. Works great.
My first OCXO was last year using a MV89 when we worked on the release of  
Brooks last controller.
Bert Kehren 
In a message dated 3/21/2014 2:31:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
albertson.ch...@gmail.com writes:

I'm  working on doing exactly this right now.   There is a "ton"  of
information on how to build a GPSDO where the oscillator is an  OCXO.
But it is almost exactly the same thing to build a "GPSDRb"   The
only change is that rather then sending a command to control a  DAC
that in turn controls the OCXO's EFC pin you send data to control  the
Rb.    Also of course use some different  constants.

There seem to be two different class of Rb.  One takes  an EFC just
like the OCXO so the controller looks just like a GPSDO and the  other
class of Rb accepts serial commends to adjust the frequency.   These
have an internal DAC.  But either way the logic is the  same.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 6:20 AM, Anders Time  <anderst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have a copy of the QEX  2013 november article(Bill Kaune) 
> GPS to Fine Tune a Rubidium  Frequency Standard"?
> I´m really interested in this subject,  but I can´t find this magazine in
> Sweden. I have contacted QEX, but it  is very difficult to buy 
> Have any one built this  frequency standard and can tell me more about the
> project?
> You  can access the source code for the project here:
>  /Anders
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Chris Albertson
Redondo  Beach,  California
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