On 26/03/14 22:42, Tom Van Baak wrote:
Did some home-work on third-degree PLL parameters, so now I know why I
failed, as I never tried to do it right.

One thing that Tom's simulator isn't doing is calculating the parameters
for the PID for you, or backwards what characteristics you will get.


Magnus, et al,

Still hoping some of you process control & PID experts will contribute a couple lines of 
C code to the simulator. The gpsim1 ver=N parameter will select any one of many different 
algorithms. I believe no one algorithm is "correct"; the goal is simply to include 
as many as you can contribute so we can all play with them.

Yes, now as the weekend finally reached me I can look at it again.

I have looked at third degree PLLs again and if you know where you're poles should be going, then setting it up is trivial and stability can be guaranteed.



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