Fellow time-nuts,

Every now and then, a customer runs into trouble. You end up in these meetings where vendor and customers discuss troubles. I heard about this one and invited myself along. Turns out my friends at the customer was attending. Troubles involved dropouts and blips on a transmission. They have had one problem with a cyclic error, but it reduced after finding out they had forgot to enable a sync input. The remaining problem was erratic and showing up only for some locations and not correlating to anything obvious. One of the techs had tried out to see what an external sync-box was doing, and he had found it to do strange things, but it was not conclusive. We then realized that it might be that handling of the box could be different for each occasion they where running, because on side is a travelling setup, so it depends on the wiring and power-up order. So, we had a nice candidate. Our boxes have nice logging, but you loose much of the data if you do not pull it out before power-down, so we had no real detailed logs from when real hits occurred, so we where blinded. Not really a clear picture, but we had a good meeting. As we where over at their place, I asked if I could borrow one of those boxes as I can measure things better. They showed me what they did with an oscilloscope, and well, it did move around a little, but it wasn't very clear what was going on.

As I got back to my lab-bench at work, I hooked it up with sync signal and then measured the frequency, and sure enough, it showed frequency errors similar to what we had seen before. Then I turned over to TIC measurements, meaning a HP5335A, a GPS as PPS and 10 MHz source and a laptop with GPIB and TimeLab. We do have better counters, but I get to use the 5335A without people stealing it and besides I like it better than the 53132A. Just doing basic operations as turning it on, providing sync and watching the phase and frequency, I could see *much* better what this box is doing, and the hunch that my customer had was completely confirmed. A quick report on email caused them to book a visit, and they sat down and could see it for themselves. The 5335A and TimeLab with a GPS turned out to be a valuable tool for this exercise, clearing up the issue in a few hours of play-time. Flipping between phase and frequency view, zooming in etc. all helped to illustrate what was going on.

I will assist my customer in reporting on the issue to the sync-box vendor, providing measurements and explanations.

I hope this little tail will encourage you to use the tools, learn to investigate them and learn the various ways of displaying data, so it can help you to pin-point the problems you are having.

Oh, I had fun doing it! :-)

PS. I will help a friend to get his PM6654C up and running, and try using it with TimeLab. With it's 2 ns resolution, it would still be sufficient for this exercise.

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