Yes indeed I have 2 X 599s also and the IF is complicated and if you don't
have the magical 60 KHz mod (I don't) you have to hack a solution. That I
did. Essentially double the vco and div by 2. While feeding the vco to the
mixer. Hey it worked most of the time and on a solid test signal always
worked and I mean for weeks.
The 60 KHz xtals existed and still may. Fun to tinker with and cheap.
In fact because if the IF scheme of the 599 thats why I went to an external
You can hack each rcvr internally to succeed. But thats hacking. An
external approach allows all of them to work. The 117s 207 spectracoms...

Hence the d-psk-r/costas loop soluyion released a year ago. But its semi
digital and analog and I have to say I never really figured out what the
magical VCO filter needed to be. Though I experimented. It works. But its a

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 1:00 PM, John Reed <> wrote:

> First on the Schmidt trigger - The problem is that at the start of each
> "bit" that WWVB transmits the squared 60 KHz signal is essentially dead and
> the trigger must pick a new starting point.  This point seems to be random
> and can apparently end up as a positive or negative, so you end up with
> phase changes of 180 after the flip flop.  No trigger can fix this.  The
> system has to have some memory of the phase and this is why the Costas loop
> works.
> I thought about getting rid of the 100 KHz front end filter in the Tracor
> and seeing if I could modify it by squaring the LO signal.  This isn't
> straightforward either.  The Tracor has a complex method of generating the
> IF signal.
> I wasn't aware that 60 KHz crystals are available.  I would have used
> these instead of the LC filters.  I had some old telephone loading ferrite
> toroid coils, so most of the hardware was available.
> Thanks for all the comments on this.  At least I understand the problem
> now, and why the solution will take some work.
> John
> -----Original Message----- From: paul swed
> Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 9:49 AM
> To: Martin VE3OAT ; Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Dephasing WWVB
> Many of the old receivers use them spectracoms come to mind. They are big
> units and +- 40 Hz BW and I am totally unaware that they can be found
> today. That also goes for nice transformers and inductors to build higher Q
> circuits.
> I built a opamp chain and it worked well but those crazy amps do draw
> power. I like the ua consumption level. But thats a personnel preference.
> I used the 60 KHz watch Xtals and its in the schematics of the WWVB rcvr I
> released to time-nuts a year ago. These little crystals are interesting to
> work with and available from China 25 xtals for a few $ at the pay site. I
> purchased 2 packs so that I could sift through them. The trick is to very
> very lightly load them. I could learn much more about them actually. They
> seem useful overall.
> The first re-modulator used them directly as the 60 KHz source. I stepped
> up to the 15.360 MHz osc only because I believed they were not accurate
> enough and that turned out not to be the case as I found.
> The other comment to note is that these xtals cause an actual signal gap at
> the phase transition. Because at that point the signal is actually 2 X 60
> Khz. The crystal gaps for at least 8 cycles from what I have seen.
> Regards
> Paul
> On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 6:39 PM, Martin VE3OAT <> wrote:
>  John Reed wrote :
>> >
>> > By the way, my 5 section synchronous filter is an LC with
>> > op-amps between each stage to bring the gain up for the
>> > squaring chip.  It has a 2 KHz -6 dB bandwidth at 60 KHz.
>> >
>> John, have you thought of using a single 60.0 kHz crystal as a bandpass
>> filter?
>> I can't remember which receiver it was, but I think one of the old
>> commercial WWVB receivers used a crystal as the tuning element.
>> ... Martin   VE3OAT
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