So who could afford Brush paper? I had hundreds of feet of adding machine
paper (cheap!)

If your fingers ain't purple, you ain't doin' science...

Chuck Harris
> It only appeared that way if you were using the wrong paper for the
> chart recorder.  Those that had needles that moved in an arc also had
> chart paper that was ruled using lines in the "T" axis, and arcs in
> the "X" axis.
> -Chuck Harris
> Max Robinson wrote:
>> The issue of the recording stylus apparently moving backward along the time
>> axis
>> shouldn't be a mystery to anyone who remembers the old Brush (brand name)
>> galvanic
>> chart recorders.  The pen tip moved in an arc rather than rectilinear and
>> for slow
>> paper movement the graph appeared to move backward in time.  I have no idea
>> exactly
>> how virtual stylus works in decoding these recordings but it seems possible
>> that they
>> could account for the recording stylus being moved in an arc rather than a
>> straight
>> line.
>> Regards.
>> Max.  K 4 O DS.
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 -George Bernard Shaw

Dr. Don Latham AJ7LL
Six Mile Systems LLC
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mail:  POBox 404
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