Hi Poul,

I've made a few hardware changes and some software changes, and I was wondering 
if you (and/or others) would take a look at this plot.  The green is phase over 
70,000+ seconds with ~100ps resolution, while the blue is the ADEV.  (The sharp 
departures in phase are from large temperature changes and not quite perfect 
temperature compensation software.)  I don't see your horizontal line down at 
the bottom, but there are some worrying horizontal lines between about 3tau and 
150tau.  Should I take that to mean that I have some noise/oscillations from 
about 1/3Hz to 1/150Hz?  Those up at about 150tau I think I can see by eye on 
another plot of different data.  I've got a lot of data collected from this run 
(still running) including pTerm, iTerm, dTerm, and tTerm (temperature) updates 
to the DAC.  I hope to try to tease something out of that later, though the 
pTerm and iTerm are mostly +1,0,-1 stuff.  FWIW, in real terms, the dGain is at 
about 4.2.  The phase
 starts to get ugly if I bring it much below that.  iGain is .01 and pGain is 
.05.  There are misc damping and limiting factors applied, as well.  

Just about ready to do a second board with updates from what I've learned, so 
any help is appreciated.  The plan is to release the source code at some (not 
too) future date and make boards available, if there's interest.  But I've 
still got a lot to do before that.



 From: Poul-Henning Kamp <p...@phk.freebsd.dk>
To: Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net>; Discussion of precise time and frequency 
measurement <time-nuts@febo.com> 
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 1:04 AM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] OCXO Phase Noise Measurement in Primitive Conditions

In message <1409175707.2080.yahoomail...@web142706.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>, Bob Ste
wart writes:

This looks like a step in the right direction.

The "correct" allan plot will have a clearly visible horizontal
segment somewhere in the 100-10000 second range (depending on OCXO quality).

This is where the GPS long-term stability "takes over" from the OCXO's
better short-term stability.
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