
Great insight thanks. You nailed it: out with the old oscillator and in with 
one that doesn't have that problem.

Btw the mechanical tuning issue you mentioned is essentially the same exact 
problem: even the slightest turn will make the frequency jump too high or too 
low. It can drive you (and the loop) crazy trying to get it on-frequency.


Sent From iPhone

> On Oct 21, 2014, at 8:54, "Burt I. Weiner" <b...@att.net> wrote:
> I've been following this thread with some interest.  I have no idea what a 
> LTE-Lite module is, but I believe the issues being discussed is essentially 
> the same issue that I had a year or so ago when I had to make repairs to my 
> two DATUM 9390-52054 GPS references.  At that time I copied this list on the 
> various steps from discovery of the power supply noise grief to further 
> discovery of problems with the original factory supplied internal Vectron 
> VCXO oscillator module.
> After replacing the internal switching power supply with an outboard Cisco 
> unit, I went on to look at what I felt was instability of the 10 MHz 
> reference.  According to the front panel display, the error would wander 
> anywhere from 0E-12 to 50 or 100E-12.  For my use, this wasn't a major 
> problem, but one that bothered my instinctive curiosity and another step in 
> my life in searching for a way to improve things.
> The original oscillator module in the 9390 was a Vectron 716Y2690.  This has 
> a frequency trim adjustment on the side to bring the oscillator into tracking 
> range for the DATUM 9390.  In one of my two units the adjustment would jump, 
> which I attributed to a defective trimming capacitor.  My friend Stu, K6YAZ 
> had previously given me two McCoy MC597X4 VCXO modules that do not have a 
> frequency adjustment other than by way of the EFC control.  Looking at the 
> specs on these modules it looked like they might almost be electrically a 
> drop in replacement for the original Vectron modules, although the McCoy's 
> were about one-quarter the size.  The McCoy's require 5 volts Vcc rather than 
> 12 volts that the Vectron required.  Not a problem.  Testing confirmed that 
> the EFC tuning voltage indeed went the same direction the McCoy requires.
> Since I don't have the sophisticated equipment that many of you have to 
> comparatively confirm stability, I decided to modify only one of my 9390's 
> and compare the results to the other one.  The two 9390's have separate 
> antennas mounted about 3 feet apart and in a pretty clear view of the sky.
> I stuffed the McCoy module in place of the Vectron but instead of connecting 
> the EFC lead, I used a 1k pot with the top connected to 5 volts through a 
> small resistor, the bottom to ground, and the arm to the EFC pin on the 
> McCoy. Using the other 9390 for comparison, I was able to determine that in 
> order to have the McCoy output 10 MHz, the EFC voltage wanted to be slightly 
> under +4 volts, essentially the same as the original Vectron.  Great, what 
> could go wrong?  I shut everything down and connected the EFC control voltage 
> to the EFC terminal on the McCoy.  As the McCoy came up to temperature I got 
> a tracking light and the 10 MHz spigot came nicely onto 10 MHz, sat there and 
> then wandered off frequency and after a while came back and overshot in the 
> other direction.  I figured this would be a process that would go on for a 
> day or two and the "pendulum" would eventually settle in.  After several days 
> this did not happen and the 9390 gave me a tracking error.  Apparently, the 
> time co
 nstants in the loop and the sensitivity of the EFC control in the McCoy did 
not play well together.  Pondering the situation I decided to slow down the EFC 
voltage change.  I did this by putting a 4.7 uf capacitor across the EFC pin to 
the ground pin and fed the EFC voltage to the EFC pin through a 5100 Ohm 
resistor, essentially, in my opinion, hanging a flywheel across the EFC line to 
the McCoy.  Since with the smaller McCoy I had additional space within the 9390 
I also made a sandwich type enclosure out of foam for the smaller McCoy to help 
isolate it from tempreture changes.  I let the unit run for about 24 hours and 
noted that it had settled in nicely and sat, according to its display, at 0E-12 
for well over the next 24 hours.  Comparing this to my stock 9390, this 
appeared to be correct except for some small amount of wandering - the stock 
unit was showing variations of 1E-12 to about 10E-12, the amount of drift they 
had both always shown.  I watched this for about two weeks an
 d while the modified 9390 sat at 0E-12, the stock unit continued to show the 
same amount of drift it always had shown.
> I modified my second 9390 with the other McCoy VCXO and now the two units sit 
> within 0 to 1E10-12, and comparing the two using both a 1:1 Lissajou and 
> separately using one to trigger a scope that's monitoring the other, I 
> believe things are much improved.  In the year plus since I've modified these 
> two units they've sat quite steady and have survived some deliberate power 
> interruptions just to see what would happen.  I have detailed pictures if 
> anyone is interested.
> I don't know if the above offers any input of value, or even how scientific 
> it is according to "deep" Time-Nuts standards, but it's what I did.
> Burt, K6OQK
>> From: "Poul-Henning Kamp" <p...@phk.freebsd.dk>
>> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] LTE-Lite module
>> --------
>> In message <9bc23a13-646f-49c6-9ff9-d42fa5ec8...@aol.com>, Said Jackson 
>> writes:
>> >Then at some point the crystal 'snaps'  and jumps in frequency, overshooting
>> >the desired frequency and causing the P term to start pushing in the 
>> >opposite
>> >direction repeating the cycle.
>> If your hardware does not respond to the output, any PI(D) loop will go
>> bezerk, and there's nothing you can do about it.
>> --
>> Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
>> p...@freebsd.org         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
>> FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
>> Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
> Burt I. Weiner Associates
> Broadcast Technical Services
> Glendale, California  U.S.A.
> b...@att.net
> www.biwa.cc
> K6OQK 
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