Hi Bob,
So, to use this as a phase reference for testing my unit, I'd have to get the 
phase error out each second and correct for that?  Or is it a matter of the 
OCXO getting happy over the next few weeks and it will settle down?  In my 
mind's eye, I see its DAC moving on a slope just like mine is, as the OCXO ages 

It looks like I need to put a shelf on the wall and give this a permanent home. 
 At the very least, that would get it out of my way so I can do other work.  
All things considered, it's a good problem to have. =)

     From: Bob Camp <kb...@n1k.org>
 To: Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net>; Discussion of precise time and frequency 
measurement <time-nuts@febo.com> 
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 11:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Lucent KS-24361/Z3812A GPSDO initial setup

If the Z3810/11/12 is like the other HP / Symmetricom boxes (and I’d bet it is):

1) It will go into survey and sync relatively slowly compared to some of the 
other units. 

2) It’s got a less sensitive / lower channel count receiver than stuff like 
Said’s new part. 

3) It will take a *long* time to get to it’s best stability operating point. 
Think weeks / months not hours.

4) It has pretty good environmental rejection. You won’t see much (as in any) 
benefit in a normal basement / always locked installation.

5) It’s phase noise isn’t as good as some units. (like a TBolt ) 

6) Lady Heather does not play well with one :(

My guess is that the Z3805 has pretty much the same “stuff” in it. They both 
come from the same era and (may) have the same MTI OCXO in them.


> On Oct 25, 2014, at 11:24 AM, Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> During the first hour it reported poor geometry a number of times.  Then it 
> seemed to get its act together and was solidly into survey mode.  A few hours 
> later and it was satisfied with life and went into hold mode, with TFOM=3, 
> FFOM=0.
> This morning, I see that there is some phase tracking difference of opinion 
> between my GPSDO and this one WRT the 10MHz signal out from REF-0.
> http://evoria.net/AE6RV/GPSDOe/Z3812A.10.25.png
> The green is the phase difference plot, and the red is the ADEV.  Given this 
> is the first time I have done this against another GPSDO, I don't know 
> whether this is good or bad.  Looking at the phase plot on my unit, it 
> wanders around a bit but not 100ns.
> http://evoria.net/AE6RV/GPSDOe/GPSDO.10.25.png
> Sorry the plot is so busy with debug traces.  You can easily spot the same 
> phase difference line as in the one above.  The blue squiggle is my phase 
> error.  The red is my DAC.  The phase in this plot is in hundreds of ps.  I 
> have shut the unit down numerous times recently, and the OXCO has been 
> subjected to different thermal environments.  Right now the case is closed, 
> there are no vent holes, and the temperature in the box on my PCB is just a 
> bit over 99 degrees F.
> Bob
> From: Bob Camp <kb...@n1k.org>
> To: Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net>; Discussion of precise time and frequency 
> measurement <time-nuts@febo.com> 
> Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 7:09 AM
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Lucent KS-24361/Z3812A GPSDO initial setup
> Hi
> One of the interesting things about these little receiver modules is that 
> they don’t all report the same survey location. There are NIST papers with 
> examples. You could probably spend a lot of time on the “why”. 
> If you are getting “poor geometry” errors, either you have an antenna issue, 
> or your receiver is in trouble some other way. It should go into survey mode 
> and stick there. It should be solidly into the survey after about 10 minutes 
> power on. 
> Bob
> > On Oct 24, 2014, at 9:46 PM, Bob Stewart <b...@evoria.net> wrote:
> > 
> > Sorry if these comments are a bit naive, but this is my first exposure to a 
> > Z38xx.
> > 
> > I've got mine powered on and connected to the antenna.  After referring to 
> > Stewart's original post (once again) I've managed to download HP's SATSTAT 
> > and get it running.  When I connected to the REF-1 unit (with the receiver) 
> > all I get is comms errors.  But when I connect to REF-0, Satstat seems 
> > quite happy.  It's reporting the unit as a Z3812A.  Is REF-0 the only one 
> > you can connect to, or is REF-1 mute till it's happy with the GPS receiver?
> > 
> > The mode says "Power-Up: GPS Acquisition", so I guess that's OK.  I think 
> > things are progressing.  It's attempting to survey, but reporting 
> > "Suspended: poor geometry".  I suppose with a little more time this will 
> > work itself out?  It seems to be slowly tracking more sats, as it's now up 
> > to 5.
> > I wonder if there's a way to shortcut the survey process using Satstat?  
> > I've got a 48 hour survey done on this antenna with the LEA-6T, so I should 
> > be able to input those figures, right?  I'll see if I can find anything in 
> > a Satstat manual I found.
> > 
> > Bob - AE6RV
> > 
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