This is the second post related to my attempts to create a BBB DDMTD, the first post had a load of graphs showing details of what was happening around glitch periods. This post is about interpreting those graphs.

Pretty obvious from only a cursory glance at the graphs are that transitions are not continuous and are happening at very specific intervals. I would appreciate some help in understanding how this might be occuring or how to find out what might be going on as I'm currently at a loss.

I've tried a few different combinations of oscillators to try and rule them out and this seems to have no impact. It would seem the effect is coming from the sampling / BBB bit.

There are 169 clocks/samples between the larger spikes, this corresponds to ~16.9ms real time or a ~110ps interval at the DUT. The smaller spike is 94 clocks/samples after the larger spikes (=~9.4ms / ~62ps). The dead time with no transitions following a smaller spike is 75 clocks/samples long. I'm not aware that there is any relation of these intervals to anything else in the setup.

I'd welcome any thoughts on what might be going on here.



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