I've made the seller offers before, usually takes them. IMake an offer of a
$100 with a note something like "Cesium Tube is missing, all the value is
in the tube, making offer for spare parts"

They are surplus guys have no idea what the thing is. They have someone
suggesting the T&M vaule based on model number only.

Can't loose


On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Dr. David Kirkby (Kirkby Microwave Ltd) <
drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk> wrote:

> On 6 November 2014 18:09, xaos <x...@darksmile.net> wrote:
> > I just cant figure out what it is ;)
> >
> >
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/HP-Agilent-5071A-Primary-Frequency-Standard-/191386439159?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c8f854df7
> >
> > One obvious question: Are the leftover parts worth anything close to the
> > opening bid ?
> >
> > -George, N2FGX
> Seems a bit risky to me. $3000 is not an insignificant amount of
> money. If you are interested, drop him a message saying if it does not
> sell, you would offer him X for it. Very often they will take the X.
> I like the bit "Voltages as high as 42 VDC are present in this area"
> That seems a bit unnecessary.
> Dave
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