
After 2 yeses of continuous operation my NTGS50AA turned its red led on and stopped working. A check with LH shows "OSC: BAD" and "OSC age alarm" assuming that the oscillator had aged too much. I didn't believe this because when working, the DAC control voltage was around 2.9 V, in fact near the middle of its range (0-5 V). Measuring the 10 MHz output it is high, about 4.46 Hz which agrees with the LH figures. I measured the oscillator EFC pin and it is struck at 5.02 V, not following the DAC voltages as reported by LH. I think that either the DAC is bad or an amplifier after it. Since I don't have any schematic and the oscillator covers the top layer the troubleshooting is difficult. Has anybody experienced this failure before?. Does anybody has an schematic, even a partial one?

Since the unit now is operating open loop I observed the locking strategy of this GPSDO. First it waits about 12 minutes for warming (I don't know if it internally monitors the oven current or uses a fixed time). During this period it sets the DAC output to the initial value as stored in the EEPROM (3.0 V). When it thinks that it is "warmed enough", the DAC is ramped in the right direction to intercept exactly 10 MHz (towards 0 in my case). If it reaches 0 then declares the alarm and the DAC voltage is set to half the initial value (1.5 V). Five minutes later it switch the DAC to 2,25 V and 17 seconds later it returns to 1.5 V and remains there for 4 min and a half. Then it goes up again to 2.5 V and after 10 seconds it goes down to 1.88 V and after some 14 minutes it goes down again to 1.5 V, it remains there for about 15 minutes and then it goes down to 1.14 V, remains there for 80 seconds and goes back to 2.5 V. It looks like it checks from time to time if it is able to control the oscillator or simply it does weird things once it thinks that the oscillator cannot be disciplined.

I will appreciate very much any information.that can help my troubleshooting. These units has more than doubled its price since I bought mine and I think that they are vanishing. The Guatemala's cell towers scrap has been exhausted.

Ignacio EB4APL

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