Hi All,

I've been playing with some double oven HP10811's. I've been monitoring the internal oven feedback vs. temperature and noticed something interesting last night. There was a sudden step change in internal oven feedback voltage. This is the voltage coming from the amplifier monitoring the bridge that feeds the heater transistors.

The step change was on the order of two or three times as large as normal swings caused by the furnace cycling in the house. The voltage was being monitored by a 8Ch ADC card. All of the other voltages on that card were stable.

The jump was very small. I don't recall exactly (Not near that unit right now), but somewhere around a mV or less. But it was very sudden and compared to everything else on that line, or other voltages being monitored.

I'm wondering if there is something going on in there that may require attention. Bad solder, cracked trace, bad component???

Any idea what might have caused this?

Has anyone seen anything similar?


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