thanks for your suggestion. No chips are socketed. I'll continue searching.

Am 30.11.2014 17:31, :

I suspect the key to your issues are the FPGA error codes. It’s likely that a 
lot of the “work” is done in the FPGA. If it is not setting up properly, you 
will get all sorts of problems.


1) Unplug the memory chips and plug them back in. Sockets can have issues …

2) Look for tin whiskers around the FPGA pins. Sometimes a good scrub with a 
toothbrush is quicker than looking.

3) There has to be a clock signal into the FPGA. It may be the 5 /10 /15 MHz, 
it may be something else. Run around the “good” unit with a scope and then do 
the same on the bad one.

If the box is still inside the 30 day warranty - send it back. Even if it 
isn’t, contact the seller.


On Nov 30, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Götz Romahn <> wrote:

hello Tom,
thank you for your kind response.
All voltage levels are fine and I have 5MHz as well as 15MHz on the
board. DC levels at transistors I testet were not suspicious.
I have no idea where how the 10MHz is generated. I do not see any
doubler active but see a tripler at 15MHz.
May be the community can explain my error listings especially the
"OSC_DEL, error code: 01H". OCXO has good output and heater seems to be
ok as well as EFC.
cheers Götz

Am 30.11.2014 05:59, :
Hello Götz,

I think I saw the 10 MHz on several points. At least one of the nearby
transistors also showed some signal. I have another project on the bench
right now but when it is done, I'll throw the ref-1 back on the bench
and make some notes. Do you have the 15 MHz and is the 5 MHz oscillator
running? How about the supply voltages? They are marked and have test
points. Also, you could make some DC measurements on the two transistors
as they are standard SMT devices.

Sure wish someone would shake a schematic out of the woods.

Best regards,
Tom Miller,
Forest Hill, Maryland

----- Original Message ----- From: "Götz Romahn" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Lucent KS-24361

hi Tom,
from your postings at [time nuts] I've read, that you have found
several locations with 10 MHz signal on the backside of the
REF-1/REF-0 boards. My problem is, my REF-1 has run into fault mode
and  the 10 MHz at the collector of Q208 is missing now. It was there
before the failure occurred. Retracing the PCB connections for the
source of the 10 MHz is not so easy with no active signal. It would be
very helpful if you could provide some more positions where I should
see the 10 MHz as this could help help finding the reason of the failure.

:diag:log:read:all? gives
scpi > Log status: 10  entries

Log 001:20141120.00:02:37:  Log cleared
Log 002:20141120.00:00:00:  Power on
Log 003:20141120.00:00:00:  FAIL: OSC_DEL, error code: 01H
Log 004:20141120.00:00:01:  FAIL: FPGA, error code: 01H
Log 005:20141120.00:00:01:  FAIL: INT_REF, error code: 01H
Log 006:20141120.00:00:01:  Self-test failed
Log 007:20141120.00:00:01:  Failed mode entered
Log 008:20141120.00:00:01:  Antenna fault set
Log 009:20141120.00:00:02:  1PPS output failure set
Log 010:20141120.00:00:02:  Power settings ok, Int: 17 dBm, Ext: 17 dBm

thanks in advance for your efforts and have a good time at
thanksgiving Goetz (Berlin, Germany)

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