Getting a BBB to take 10MHz refclk input (in the fashion of
and being able to timestamp _multiple_ PPS signals via the PRUs would
make for a pretty awesome time-nuts toy.

This is quite do-able and I posted a few weeks ago with the details of where to poke the soldering iron.

Once you attach a bit of coax the only limit is how deep your pockets are, you can use whatever reference you want to clock the BBB. An OXCO will likely provide the best performance for most of us (for the same reasons as using one in a GPSDO).

For kicks, I ran my BBB locked directly to a GPS module for a short while. That is, using a x12 PLL to create 24mhz from a ublox module configured to output 2mhz. (I don't recommend anyone actually uses this configuration btw, but it was fun to actually see it work)


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