I have bought several items from this seller and left positive feedback because the items arrived promptly and appeared to work. Problems only became apparent days, weeks, or months later. But by then it was too late to change feedback.
This seller admits to changing the firmware on a GPSDO to "upgrade" it to a more valuable part number. I bought a device from him for which included a newly fabricated sheet-metal case complete with new false trademarked labels. It's a very good fake, but it was not in fact produced by the manufacturer whose name is on the label, and it did not meet the requirements of the device inside. I have bought other devices from him which had other problems. It is possible that the seller is obtaining his stock from other sources inside China, and that he is not directly involved in changing firmware or creating fakes. It is possible that he himself is an innocent victim of sharp practice by others. I make no direct accusations. However, the equipment I have obtained from this seller in the past has not proved satisfactory to me over the long term, and I have chosen not to do business with this seller in the future. Cheers! --Stu _______________________________________________ time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts and follow the instructions there.