On 13 December 2014 at 05:13, Peter <time...@exemail.com.au> wrote:
> On 12 December 2014 at 08:31, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
>> This has been reported to eBay by telephone, reported to the police, and I 
>> will soon create a case on
>> eBay, and report it as a fake. I have a crime reference number from the 
>> police.
>> Unlike others, I *am* going to do something about this scam, rather than 
>> just get my money back and
>> let the problem persist for others.
> It's great that you have generously decided to help expose the scams of 
> yixunhk, particularly considering the time and effort involved.  I am sure 
> that many, especially time-nuts, will be grateful.  Of course, yixunhk's 
> HP-equipment rebirthing scams are not confined to the HP 58503A/B models - 
> but your reporting to eBay should nevertheless also help expose yixunhk's 
> other scams.
> Peter

Thank you Peter.

I find it odd that so many time-nuts appear to be aware of this scam,
but have done little or nothing about it.

I don't know if this is a "British thing" to want to report such
practices, but we do have a few TV programs where reporters have
exposed scammers. e.g.

"Coyboy Builders"

"You've Been Scammed"

In contrast, it seems many time-nuts are aware yixunhk is selling
counterfeit items, several have fallen victim to it, but few if any
have done done anything about it. I find that quite strange myself.

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