> - Can I use Frequency difference mode from Timelab to monitor time intervals ?
> If no is there a way to use the time interval measurement from the counter 
> with
> Timelab to plot ADEV ?

If you feed in frequency samples, it will convert them to phase-difference 
samples internally, so the program itself doesn't really care.  The use of 
frequency data has a few drawbacks such as less accurate ADEV plots due to the 
counter's dead time between readings, but it's the easiest way to get started 
and is perfectly usable for many purposes.

In general you should avoid letting the counter do any averaging.  Except in 
very specific circumstances, any apparent improvement in ADEV measurement floor 
will be illusory.   There are exceptions, but this isn't something you want to 
mess with until you're very comfortable with the rest of the measurement 
process.  Your counter's true ADEV measurement floor at t=1s should be assumed 
to be close to its single-shot resolution specification (e.g., 100 ps = about 

> - In case the principle of plotting ADEV from Time Interval, what is the
> interpretation of the result ? The ADEV shows the relative stability between 
> the
> two GPSDO... So, practically what does it bring ? And how to use this method 
> if I
> want to characterize a device ?

An ADEV graph shows frequency stability statistics at different intervals, 
ranging from the rate at which the readings are returned from the counter (tau 
zero, at the left end of the plot) to a maximum interval that's related to how 
long you let the measurement run.  It's much too deep a subject to go into in 
an email; see http://www.ke5fx.com/stability.htm for more pointers.

Again, TimeLab always plots ADEV from time interval/phase data, even if you 
give it frequency readings.  ADEV is fundamentally a frequency stability 
metric, but it can be computed identically from either TI or frequency samples 
(assuming zero dead time).  
> - stupid question on Timelab. If I let Timelab in Auto to select the period
> between two samples (correctly detected), the time scale of the graph is 
> wrong.
> For instance, a 3h plot stops at 2000s (0.5h)... Here again, I miss something 
> but
> what ?

The TimeLab manual, for one thing. :)  Hit the books (specifically 
http://www.miles.io/TimePod_5330A_user_manual.pdf , page 31).

-- john, KE5FX
Miles Design LLC

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