
Typically a PLL loop uses a PI loop-filter, making it a PI-control system with a steered integrator in the form of the oscillator. Many other control systems prefer to use the PID controller, and Bob found that there is a D factor in there.

The factors at hand is:

P = Proportinal
I = Integrate
D = Diffrentiate

If you have the reference phase phi_ref and the oscillator output phase of phi_out, the detected phase difference Vd is

Vd = Kd * (phi_ref - phi_out)

The oscillator steering is Vf can then be formulated as

VD = Vd - Vd_prev
Vd_prep = Vd
VI = VI + I*Vd
Vf = D*VD + P*Vd + VI

Thus, the D factor steers how much of the time-derivate of the phase goes into the frequency steering. The P factor steers the phase and the I factor the amount of integrated signal.

A loop in stable condition will have the integrator force Vd to be around zero, so VI will hold the frequency correction needed. The I will scale how quickly it will "learn" this frequency. The P will scale the AC part of Vd for dynamics, typically you set the damping. The D factor can play an important part in the track-in process and the dynamics of that.

A key factor is the sample-time T. I and D needs to be scaled with T to get the same behavior for alternate values sampling periods.


On 01/25/2015 12:35 AM, Cash Olsen wrote:

I am relatively new to the list and still learning the jargon and
concepts. You wrote: "There does appear to be a D in the TBolt loop.
For what ever reason, that’s not a changeable value. The D does scale
with the time constant."

Could you or one of the other members elaborate on the what is meant
by "D" above. Does it have anything to do with a flat spot in the

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