> time-nuts Digest, Vol 128, Issue 1, Message: 8
> Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2015 17:46:18 -0800
> From: Jim Lux <jim...@earthlink.net>
> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
>       <time-nuts@febo.com>
> Subject: [time-nuts] simple explanation of noise spectra with mixing,
>       etc.
> Message-ID: <54f26f6a.6030...@earthlink.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> Is there a handy "one pager" kind of explanation of noise spectra after 
> some forms of signal processing..

The best source for the math is probably Fred Walls:

F. L. Walls, “Correlation between upper and lower sidebands” IEEE 
Trans. UFFC, Vol. 47, pp 407-410, 2000.

"PM and AM Noise of Combined Signal Sources", Fred L. Walls, Total 
Frequency, fredlwa...@cs.com, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE 
International Frequency Control Symposium and PDA Exhibition Jointly 
with the 17th European Frequency and Time Forum,  
0-7803-7688-9/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE, pages 532-540.

> For instance, if you have a oscillator which has a 1/f characteristic, 
> and you mix it with itself, what is the spectra of the output of the mixer.

Mixing is a multiplicative process, so this is equivalent to squatting 
the signal, which doubles its frequency, so the effect will be 20 
Log10(2)= 6 db increase of phase noise on the double-frequency terms.

Your bottom-line question will be if there is any cancellation of phase 
noise; this will involve the time delay for the rata signal to get to 
the target and return.  My guess is that there will be no 

> Or if you have a 1/f^3 characteristic (e.g. from a crystal oscillator, 
> very close in) or a 1/f^2 (from a VCO).

The double rule will apply to each point in the phase noise  as if it 
were alone.

> Specifically, I've got some folks working with homodyne radars (where 
> you demodulate the received signal with a sample of the transmitted 
> signal, but sometimes with an offset mixed in, etc.) and I'm looking for 
> a quick intro to this kind of thing at a sort of 
> empirical/phenomenological as opposed to analytical..
> "If you see X on a spectrum analyzer or FFT, it is because of Y"...
> Similarly, they're building PLLs and know about the 20log10(N) thing, 
> but what should the shape of things underneath be.

The 20Loh10(N) applies regardless of offset frequency, so the whole 
phase noise spectrum will move up and down as a unit.

Joe Gwinn
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