On UT+ firmware update. I don't think it is possible to update the firmware in a UT+.

Back in 2006, time-nuts had a member, Randy Warner, who worked at Synergy. In the message linked here

He describes the firmware update as a factory-only process that could be done then for $25. Now I doubt there is any way to get it done. I have never heard of any way to accomplish it without unobtanium factory tools and images.

If you search in that mail-archive time-nuts section (linked above), for the subject "Oncore GPS models", you may find some more information.

On 3/13/2015 1:33 PM, Pete Stephenson wrote:
Hi all,

After a few years of using a Garmin GPS 18x LVC for timekeeping, my
budget now allows for some upgrades and I had a small field day on eBay:
I acquired a Trimble Thunderbolt, two Trimble Resolution Ts, and two
Motorola Oncore UT+s (seconds purchased for spares and testing).

The documentation for the Trimbles is clear, but I had several questions
regarding the Oncores that I was unable to find clear answers to online.
I would be very much obliged if the folks here might be able to help.

1. Is it possible to upgrade the firmware on the Oncore UT+? If so,
where can one acquire the latest firmware (3.2, I believe) files and how
would go one about installing it? Is this something WinOncore can do? I
ask because the receivers on eBay are of varying vintage and may not be
fully upgraded.

Since Motorola exited the GPS business a relatively long time ago,
firmware updates and directions have proven difficult (impossible so
far) for me to find.

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