Bob wrote:

I've always found that building in performance / reliability is a lot cheaper than testing it in...

And if you are a surplus dealer, letting the customer test it for you is a lot cheaper than testing it yourself....

One of the defective MV89s I received ("guaranteed 100% tested and working") came in a box the previous customer had used to return it, complete with that customer's name and address, the seller's real name and address (different from the name and address of the seller on file with ebay), and a note from the previous buyer listing the faults with the unit. Nobody could possibly have tested that unit in even the most cursory way and deemed it to be "working."

After 6 purchases from 6 different sellers (well, 6 different seller IDs -- I suspect 2 or 3 of them might have been the same person), I never once received an MV89 that came close to meeting spec. I did open one up after ebay refunded me without requiring me to return it, and I was shocked at the crudeness of the construction and the poor build quality. They may all leave the factory meeting spec, but it wouldn't surprise me to find that many of them never do.

Best regards,


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