
The complexity is not in the data translation, it’s in the timing of the whole 
thing. The firmware in the TS2100 was designed and tested with a particular 
order of sentences and timing between them and the pps output of the Trimble 
ACE. Upset that timing (by delaying the data) and you may up upset the 
firmware’s expectations about when the data
gets there. You may only “nuke” the firmware once a month, but that’s plenty of 
trouble. Since you have to do some pretty complex gyrations to translate the 
information, doing it all on a “character in/ character out” minimum delay 
basis is non-trivial.

Even if you get that part of it working, you still have the ACE off in limbo as 
far as leap seconds are concerned. It has a very odd idea of when June 30th is 
going to be. It will leap at odd times. You will have to do a bit of testing to 
work out exactly when (or maybe if) it’s going to do a leap second. 

Not at all simple. Thus not at all cheap.


> On May 18, 2015, at 4:00 PM, Sean Gallagher <s...@wetstonetech.com> wrote:
> Most likely all of them. There may still be some out there with GPS receivers 
> made later in the year that still work but by the end of 2015 they will 
> probably all be bad.  The 1995 problem is  actually with the GPS receiver 
> which just plugs into the TS2100's. They can be used in other things as well 
> and that's actually where I first caught it but didn't pick up on what it 
> was. I think Bob Camp made a note about something like that but was 
> suggesting against it since it will add complexity to the system. I don't 
> know that it's possible though as it would have to do it in real time on the 
> fly or you'll lose time in the calculation.  
> I made the comment about the RPI projects I'd seen and adding in the 1023 
> weeks myself but from other time - nuts it would be very complex. 
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Brooke Clarke <bro...@pacific.net> 
> Date: 05/17/2015  18:32  (GMT-05:00) 
> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement <time-nuts@febo.com> 
> Subject: [time-nuts] TymServe 2100 was: The GPS 1995 problem and the Heol
>       Design solution. 
> Hi Sean:
> Do you have any data on how many TymServe 2100 units have this problem?
> Would a solution be to add a daughter board between the existing GPS and the 
> TymServe 2100 that would correct the year?
> This might be a straight forward PIC microcontroller.
> Mail_Attachment --
> Have Fun,
> Brooke Clarke
> http://www.PRC68.com
> http://www.end2partygovernment.com/2012Issues.html
> http://www.prc68.com/I/DietNutrition.html
> Sean Gallagher wrote:
>> Good afternoon everyone,
>>      So as most (all) of you are aware at this point what seems to be like 
>> all of the Trimble Ace III GPS receivers 
>> have looped around their entire lifespan and are setting the date back to 
>> 1995. This is affecting many people with the 
>> Datum/Symmetricom TymServe 2100 units. My company had two such units (we had 
>> purchased a second one when the +1 second 
>> UTC thing happened not realizing it was a firmware v3 and 4 problem) and 
>> also a slew of Datum 635/637 PCI cards which 
>> use the Trimble Ace III as well.
>>      After some scrounging around on the web I found that a company in 
>> France, Heol Design 
>> (http://www.heoldesign.com/), had created an Ace III clone. I contacted them 
>> for some information and a quote on what 
>> sounded the most promising. These were the N014 and N024 units which were 
>> quoted to me as 85 euro for the 014 and 90 
>> euro for the 024. I also asked them if they thought their units would 
>> correct the date problem and they reached out to 
>> Trimble who apparently was not able (or willing?) to provide an answer. 
>> Olivier Descoubès with Heol Designs however 
>> was willing to work with me for testing purposes and sent me 2 of the N024 
>> units so that I could test and see if they 
>> would work as true drop in replacements. I have attached the data sheets 
>> that I received on the units as well for your 
>> viewing.  I'm not as technical as most of you so maybe you'll see something 
>> that I don't get that you can work with.
>>      The units came in yesterday after COB and so this morning was the 
>> moment of truth. Short answer to everything is 
>> they don't seem to work. I hooked it in to both of my 2100's first the older 
>> Datum branded one then the newer 
>> Symmetricom brand (although they look physically to be the exact same 
>> underlying board) really just to try and cover 
>> all my bases. I let the first one go for about an hour and the second for 
>> only half an hour since I was already 
>> thinking this was a bust. While it was hooked up though I telnetted in and 
>> went into the GPS menu. It gave me my 
>> Lat/Long position and the satellites command was able to show me that I had 
>> plenty of coverage, but it was unable to 
>> give me the time.
>>      After that I hooked it on to one of my 635PCI cards and got one of my 
>> backup servers going. I started up the Datum 
>> application and it did go into GPS mode which was at first promising. 
>> Typically with these cards if there is a problem 
>> between the GPS receiver and the Datum card then it will automatically come 
>> up in Time Code mode and won't even 
>> recognize the GPS. I let it run for about an hour while I ran to lunch and 
>> when I came back it had still not put out 
>> time.
>>      My guess is that these new receivers use the "Extended date" format or 
>> whatever it's called that adds more bits on 
>> (3? - sorry I can't remember specifics) to correct the rollover and changes 
>> it from 15 years to like 157 or something 
>> like that. And it seems like this older equipment that a lot of timing 
>> solutions use cannot handle this new output and 
>> thus can't decode it. Again I'm just a Junior in college so this is all just 
>> theory but it's what my gut feeling is.
>>      I've also attached pictures of these new units. They are the same size 
>> and have the 8 pin stack. There is 
>> additionally a 10 pin stack that I had to trim down to get it to fit. Also 
>> the antenna connector is an SMB, same as 
>> the Ace III, however it is on the other plane of the board. So if you were 
>> looking at putting it in a 635PCI card like 
>> me I had to use tin snips and cut out a notch on the front plate of it to 
>> make it fit.
>>      So it looks like I had to take a page from Mr. Andrew Cooper's book and 
>> have set up a rig like his using the two 
>> 2100's in unison. I have GPS going into the older one which I have reverted 
>> back to it's oldest firmware (2.84 I 
>> think) and thus avoided the 1 second problem. This older unit is putting out 
>> a 1PPS into the newer one set mode for 
>> 1PPS that is on V3.1 of firmware with the time and date manually being set 
>> through telnet. Trying to do it at the unit 
>> face is not feasible don't try it and I couldn't do this on the 2.84 
>> firmware version for some reason it wouldn't 
>> recognize the commands. A colleague of mine seems to think for some reason 
>> that I might start getting drift again with 
>> this setup. He said that the 1PPS may not be enough to discipline the other 
>> 2100 do you guys have any thoughts on 
>> that? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me as it's just a pulse
>>      I had kind of a crazy thought earlier based on a project that I had 
>> considered doing. I've seen on the internet 
>> that some people have taken a Raspberry Pi and made a timing solution out of 
>> it. At least one using what looked like 
>> the same type of Trimble III card.
>> http://www.satsignal.eu/ntp/Raspberry-Pi-NTP.html
>> http://musingsfromthe8thfloor.com/2015/02/08/stratum-1-ntp-server-on-raspberry-pi/comment-page-1/
>> https://digitalnigel.com/wordpress/?p=1781
>> Does anyone think it would be possible to do this with these new receivers 
>> and get it to work? Even if it was only 
>> used to discipline some larger clock unit like the 2100? Or maybe even using 
>> the older receivers but making the RPi 
>> correct the rollover problem somehow? It looked like without me putting a 
>> lot of work into it I wouldn't be able to 
>> get it going because of having to learn the pin programming and electrical 
>> theory etc. And I unfortunately do not have 
>> the resources at work currently to follow this line of thinking.
>> **** I have just received an email from Olivier and they are aware of the 
>> TS2100 issue from a customer of theirs in 
>> France. That customer is shipping them the unit so that Heol can investigate 
>> it in action with a 2100 and can maybe 
>> come up with a solution.****
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